
十大网络彩票平台大全的绿色办公室项目旨在吸引教师, 专业人员, 和 students by providing a program with the necessary tools for offices to achieve a green office certification. The program brings offices 和 departments together by creating workplace communities that value environmental stewardship as outlined by the University of New Engl和’s Core Values.

存在三个成就级别, which are assessed in two ways — the percentage of office member participation 和 the proportion of points received on a 自我评估工具.

认证完成 可能的百分比 团队参与百分比
1级 40 50
2级 55 75
3级 70 100

十大网络彩票平台大全的办公室和部门内支持更可持续的做法, we encourage offices to elaborate on their actions to attain partial assessment tool points. We reward creative measures by providing additional points within the innovation category on the assessment tool.


  • 环境健康和安全司
  • 文理学院院长办公室
  • Abplanalp图书馆
  • 比德福德校区学生学业成功中心
  • 口腔健康中心行政办公室
  • 健康,健康和职业研究
  • 凯彻姆库
  • 研究生和专业研究学院
  • 通讯办公室
  • 环境研究和数学科学系
  • 海洋学院


  • A framed green office certificate for display, identifying the certification level achieved
  • 在新能源大学可持续发展网页上获得认可
  • 能够在部门网页上显示UNE绿色办公室标志
  • 校内和校外媒体关注的机会
  • 办公室成员之间的凝聚力更强,对可持续发展的重视程度更高
  • 在参与环境管理的同时实现了成本节约


  1. 让你自己熟悉信息 一个可持续性 和UNE绿色办公室网页.
  2. 如果有问题或者你想参加这个项目, 给可持续发展办公室发邮件.
  3. The 可持续性 Office will then email an Excel spreadsheet assessment tool to the Green Office Leader to be completed by the members of your office. 请 完成评估工具通过电子邮件将副本发送给可持续发展办公室.
  4. Schedule an appointment with the 可持续性 Office for an Eco-Rep to make a verification visit.
  5. 验证访问结束后, your assessment checklist will be scored 和 you will receive notice about which level you have achieved.
  6. 我们会安排时间给你出示证书, 通常是在员工会议上这样我们就可以拍一张合影来宣传你的成就.
  7. 祝贺你! 你现在是一个绿色办公室!


These resources were created for use as your office works towards certification 和 with the assessment tool in mind. 例如, 这些承诺可以用来在你办公室的评估工具上获得积分, 或者可以用来激发办公室的意识. Most are meant to be viewed online only 和 are not formatted for printing — the exceptions are noted.



The 一个可持续性 Office manages the program with the help of a team of student Eco-Reps.


2015年春季可持续发展实验室的学生们, ENV 240, 将绿色办公室计划的发展作为本学期的课题. 学生们起草了评估工具, 对成就水平和激励措施提出建议, 起草教育工具, 广告, 以及网站内容. 他们亦在三个部门进行试点评估,以完善评估工具. The 可持续性 Office 和 a summer intern used all of these pieces to create the 绿色办公室计划 in its final form.


正如我们在 注册表单, 我们将办公室定义为同事之间经常互动的空间, 比如所有离得很近的单独办公室, 和/或所有办公空间和员工在一个建筑物或楼层. The definition is intentionally vague as the 绿色办公室计划 will consider all reasonable office definitions. 我们希望办公室里有一种友爱的感觉, so the defined group should be established in a way that makes sense 和 increases the likelihood of success. 明确的办公室可能看起来与其他群体非常不同. 例如, 办公室可以定义为建筑物的整个楼层, 比如在马歇尔大厅一楼的英语系. 另一方面, an office could be defined as a cluster of individual office rooms such as the Dean's Office in School of Pharmacy. Or it may make sense for a department to have two groups because the department is split up into two or more locations, such as the 招生 group being split between the Welcome Cottage 和 Petts 健康 Center.

如果你无法定义你的办公室,那就发邮件吧 acariddi@671582.com 对于办公室定义的建议.


完成及提交环保办公室评估工具后, 参与百分比与总评估工具点数一起确定. 例如, to be eligible for 1级 certification your office needs to achieve 40% of the total points possible on the 自我评估工具 和 have a participation rate of at least 50% of the defined office members. It wouldn’t make sense for an office to be able to achieve a 3级 certification if only half of the office members were participating.

  • 节能
  • 减少废物
  • 交通工具选择
  • 参与/领导机会
  • 创新

是的. We have prepared a document with just the assessment items (no points or selection options are included) that we will email to you upon request from acariddi@671582.com.

这取决于. 如果绿色办公室领导试图单独解决评估工具, it could take several hours to be thorough 和 collect responses from all of the office participants. 如果感兴趣的办公室成员一起完成该工具, 这可能只需要一个小时到一个半小时.
我们需要重新认证吗? 如果有,多久一次?

是的, currently we are requiring recertification every two (2) years by your certification anniversary. We envision that if an office achieves a 3级 certification for two consecutive certification rounds, recertification will not be necessary unless there is a staff change of two or more people.

我们能“升级”吗?? 如果有,如何?

是的,我们鼓励你在任何时候这样做. 您不需要等到您的认证周年纪念日. 给我们发邮件 acariddi@671582.com 安排一次生态代表访问. 您是否有现成的评估工具,便于访问您所实施的变更.


The Green Office Leader is the liaison between your office group 和 the 绿色办公室计划. 他们负责填写登记表, 为进行自我评估寻求支持, 并将评估工具传回绿色办公室项目. 领导将与生态代表预约,以验证评估工具. 

The leader is not responsible for making sure that all of the office members comply with the items in the tool or get them to agree to participate. This should be someone in your group who is interested in facilitating a process that the majority of office members are excited about participating in. 它应该是有趣的,而不是费力的.


Eco-Reps from the 可持续性 Office are trained to provide the educational backbone to all checklist items. 生态代表不会简单地审核您的评估工具, but rather give insightful advice on how your office may achieve the points associated with an item that may have been originally perceived as “not applicable.” Eco-Reps may also bring an example toolkit with items to demonstrate implementation strategies for a more sustainable office.


Our toolkit is designed to demonstrate items that can enhance the 绿色办公室计划 experience — 和 help your office gain more assessment tool points, 最终提高您获得更高认证水平的能力. Items your office may want to purchase (at minimal increased cost) include thermometers, LED灯泡或工作灯, 浪涌保护器, 可重复使用的杯子, 环保洗洁精, 有机和公平贸易咖啡, 等...The 绿色办公室计划 cannot provide all of the materials necessary but can provide you with resources for where items can be purchased, 如果有必要的话.


大多数评估工具项目适用于所有办公室. 例如, 您可能认为出于保密目的,集中打印是不可能的, 然而, 可以制定程序以确保保密, 在巩固印刷的同时. 另一个例子可能是购买航空旅行的碳补偿. 你办公室里很少有人出差, 然而, 几乎所有部门都会偶尔召开会议, 碳补偿很容易,购买起来也相对便宜. 

如果您仍然认为评估工具中的某项不适用, the Eco-Rep will review all items indicated with a “not applicable” answer 和 ask questions for final determination. 所有“不适用”的项目将不会被计算在最终的积分中.


电子邮件 acariddi@671582.com,我们会尽快回复您.